Thursday, February 26, 2009

Raking Leaves. . .

So the other day my mom was blowing all the leaves into the yard, so i decided to rake all of them up to help her like the kind daughter that i am. . . :D So there i am standing looking at all the leaves i had just finished raking up when it hit me that i should fall into this massive pile of leaves :)) I had my mom grab her camera and take a few pictures of me falling into the leaves. Enjoy the pictures i have posted along with this post :)


  1. I LOVE IT!! And you didn't make a mess falling into them!! :)

  2. And that would be the best use of slow motion photography I've ever seen. Forget about the motion picshahs!

    Oh, and this would be Nina :) I jumped on the bandwagon. It is rather full of hay.
