Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jordan and Mallory's Day. . .

Well first we woke up at like six and went walking/jogging on the Ironwood track with my mom, Erin, and Lora. But then after about an hour we had to come back because it started raining. Then after we got back me and Mal decided to play a little rock band :). Our bands name is the Fabulous Zebras lol. And after a little jam session we decided to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, I loved it. As soon as that was over we decided to take Carl for a little walk around the neighborhood, and as we were walking we saw some pretty roses growing, dont worry not in someones yard lol, so we picked them and took pictures with them :D. Now we are watching American Idol and eating popcorn. Enjoy the pictures above:)


  1. That was a hoot climbing over the fence (hehe). Sounds like you guys had a fun day.

  2. You girls are so beautiful. Glad you had a good day.

  3. You girls are sooooooooooooo beautiful! I want a daughter, can I adopt you both?!
